The session on 10/11/2020 was slightly different from the other sessions because it seemed to begin with a pop quiz to ensure that we are all alert and focused on the class. We were given a time period of 10 minutes to answer and this led to a lot of frantic activity on our end where we were scrambling to remember what the right answers were. However, to our surprise, at the end of the exercise, Professor Viji mentioned that it was merely a test of our ethics. Would we copy given a chance to copy? Would we have cheated on an exam that was easily google-able? The exercise was a wonderful way to simulate an important discussion on ethics and principles and morality. Following the activity, we entered a period of discussion wherein we discussed what it means to make moral choices and whether there can ever be a situation where exams can be taken without invigilation. Would human beings choose to be good when they don't have to be? We discussed the ideas of Doping and justification of ...